Generation baby Buster sm

Generation Baby Buster

Year 2012
Runtime 90 mins
Language English, French

North America is arguably closer to gender equality than it has been at any other point in its history — with a few notable exceptions. One of these is the prevailing notion, regardless of social background, political alignment or upbringing, that all women have a primal need to have children. But what if the “biological clock” wasn't quite as biological as we thought?

In her first documentary, veteran TV producer Terra Renton challenges this preconception by examining a new generation of women, her generation, who just plain don't feel the need to procreate. Interspersed with clever animations and a lilting, sometimes-rhyming narration—like a nursery rhyme for the non-nursery set — Generation Baby Buster is an easygoing ride that watches the way an essay in The Walrus reads. 


Terra Renton
Terra Renton, Jonathon Stewart
Terra Renton
Eric Schurman
Jonathon Stewart
Neil Gilbert, Lenore Skenazy, Hara Marano